Prototype 1

When weak wristed individuals begin to box a pain or injury in the wrist might occur from the pressure of punching. It is known that wrists are one of the most delicate joints in our body and the repeated pressure from punching can create issues later on. With many people not having strong wrists already it is going to be a necessity that they are able to properly care and protect their wrists to make sure they don't get hurt.

Audience-Those who are trying boxing with prior wrist issues
In a controlled study over a 8 year period of a group of 98 boxers training there was a total of 4622 days missed because of wrist injury
The incident rate of boxing injuries is 3.4 injuries per 100 round and out of these 17% are from the wrist or hand injury
Hand and wrist injuries more commonly occur when improper form is used and this will be more common in people who are starting boxing
Ulnar abutment is one of the most common injuries from sports related incidents, as the distal ulna bears at least 20% of all force put on the wrist
Wrist injuries are commonly done from a repetitive motion or a sudden motion, which is very common in boxing
The wrist is considered one of the most complex and vulnerable joints in the body. Very few of the muscles that help the wrist are in the wrist itself, most of them are in the forearm, with tendons passing to the wrists and fingers. This creates the wrist to be a very vulnerable joint and keen to various issues
Repetitive use can be a common cause of wrist pain and with boxing it is super common to have a repetitive use of the wrist with punching or conditioning
Prototype 2